Hello all I'm the creator of the website, I hope that this guide can help all new to experienced keepers learn about their companions with a few basics and advanced information i have learnt whilst keeping my own Leopard geckos through many days and hours of research.
With this website i aim to help advise all keepers in this hobby on how to correctly care for their reptiles. Giving the best infomation i can on all the subjects that are important or things that will come up whilst keeping leopard geckos.
I do not claim and will not claim to know everything nor that the information may be 100% accurate as time goes on and more morphs illnesses and cures become avilable to us keepers.
All Photos used are either my own or will be documented with a link on the picture - DO NOT USE any photo's for yourself unless you have contacted me about them the Facebook logo to the left in the footer will link you to my facebook page and you can contact me via that if you need to use the images as long as you provide a reason and evidence of it being using correctly.