Like all other animals there are health implications that may happen but the majority of them can be avoided with excellent care. Now then this won’t cover every illness there is for a reptile or Leopard gecko it will highlight the main problems and illnesses that we come across in the hobby. The more common health issues Shedding MBD Tail loss shall be covered the first and the more in-depth illnesses will be on seperate pages as ther eis more information on them and are more major issues if they arise.
Now then as animals that can store their fat and other toxins they don’t always come across as ill. Leopard geckos are good at hiding illness until it's serious, and some symptoms overlap between illness so if you have any doubts about your reptiles health it's important to visit an experienced exotic vet it’s better to be safe than sorry - all keepers either try to have a pet insurance or we keep money aside a month in a spare pot in case any need of visits with the vets. It’s probably a good idea to get your animals checked at least twice a year even if healthy. Before breeding seasons (spring) and before Brumation in November would be when I’d recommend this as that way you know if they are slowing on food and losing weight for an exact reason and not just due to season "changes"
Ok just as a quick disclaimer to this - if you ever think your gecko may be ill or there is something wrong that persists for more then a few days go to a Herpetologist who can take blood and fecal samples. Some of these health issues are normal things like Shedding but if you ever feel doubt about something go ask a vet.