Being Insectivores ONLY we feed our reptiles with a variety of live food. Some are better as treats and some are better food over all in nutritional value.
The live food are pets too they need the best care you can give them as it will effect your reptiles health. Gut loaded insects will be alot more benifical then an insect left without food or not enough food for the group to eat.
By feeding your livefood before you use them as food you are greatly increasing their nutritional value and thereby greatly benefiting your pets. This is particularly a good idea when using livefood with low to medium nutritional value.

There is only a few graphs i found that show different numbers but the majority are the same figures as these - these may change at a later date so i will not say they are a 100% accurate but it gives you an idea of what food sources are better for our reptiles.

Live food wise there are certian insects we feed as a staple diet and some we only provide as treats due to the nurtional value and mainly to benifit the reptiles health.
What NOT to feed as a staple diet
Wax worms
Waxworms are very high in fat being the highest Fat % in the insects we feed, Waxworms are given as treats and not every day. They are great to help the reptile put weight on but shouldnt not be fed daily or in high quantities. They are very addictive as well which can pose a problem for us keepers if they are fed mainly on waxworms after a while they can become addicted and it can take ages to get them off waxworms and to start eating better food. (Normally to the point the animal starves itself until it gives in and starts eating normal food items again)
What we feed as a staple diet
The majority of owners tend to sway around the standard Crickets or locusts along side mealworms. But there is a higher usage of dubia roaches being used now due to the nutritional value of them being one of the best for a staple food source. But for basic food to start with Locusts and mealworms / Or Crickets and Mealworms.
There is a lot of information about nutritional value of the feeders online and they all vary so if your intrested in particular insects it may be easier to give it a search and compare sites for correct info.