Crpytosporidium is a very serious and potentially devestating disease in geckos. its a contagious disease that invades the gastrontestinal tract (Small intestines)
As sad as it is the disease almost ends up in dead or euthanasia.
Cryptosporidium are single celled protozoan parasites that must have a host to complete its lifecycle in.
There are 11 different strains of Crypto all of which require a host. The ones that infect reptiles are Cryptosporidium serpentis and Cyrptosporidium Saurophilium.
The parasite invades the GI tract (gastrointestinal tract) in the small intestine's lining. Creating lesions and inflamation, the parasites inhibit the absorption of any nutrients.
The parasite can be transmitted by infected fece's and orally can be passed through water and food bowls. Crypto positive animals can continuously re-infect themselves causing the parasite to build up rapidly in the hosts body. It can also remain dormant until subject to stress.
Diagnosing the illness is hard as Crypto shares many similar symptoms as normal parasites like worms etc.
But the main signs to look for are;
Partial or complete annorexia
Extreme weightloss
Poor body control
Lethargy or dullness (being unaware of surroundings)
At this current moment in time there is not a cure for crypto alot of times the gecko ends up being put to sleep. This is one of the reasons it is extremely important to quarantine. If a gecko bought has crypto and is not quarantined, it could cost you all your reptiles lives. Crypto is not something to take lightly.
All cage decor and tanks that were in contact with the crypto positive gecko should be thrown away. Crypto is extremely hard to kill and can survive a long time dormant outside of the host in wait for another.