'Egg retention or post-ovulatory stasis' is common in many reptile species. In many cases it is preventable with good nutrition and husbandry. It is extremely important to determine the cause of the egg-binding prior to treatment. Do NOT try to treat egg-binding yourself - always take the reptile to the vet if there is a problem.
Egg binding is caused by a few things;
A defect in the female causing an obstructive Dystocia which makes it physically impossible for the eggs to pass.
An overly large or malformed egg or one that is not positioned correctly is broken or joined to the other egg.
Poor condition of the mother - inactivity can lead to poor muscle tone and the inability to produce strong repeated contractions. A female may become exhausted before she completes laying the eggs or after one egg so the healthier the better to help the egg laying.
Incorrect conditions to lay eggs - A moist hide is needed to lay eggs to make the female feel she has a safe area to place her babies encase of any predators.
The moist hide Needs to be dig-able and deep enough so the female can rest whilst in-between the eggs.
Incorrect temperature / Humidity/ Lighting
Malnutrition especially if resulting in Hypocalcaemia (Low blood levels in calcium)
Obesity may also become a problem for gravid females blocking or causing the passage to become narrow and make the eggs harder to deliver
Stress (Overcrowding / Small enclosure.)
Hormonal or Diseases - Conditions such as infections of the reproductive organs, dehydration or kidney disease
Kidney disease - Kidneys become enlarged and partially block the pelvic area
Age - Breeding animals to young or to old. Ill or not in great condition.
Excessive breeding of the same animal may also result in Dystocia
To be diagnosed is mainly done by Radiographs (X-ray's) to determine the size, shape, number, and location of any retained eggs. An ultrasound can be used as well.
Keeping track of data;
Any reptile keeping should also contain a note pad or a digital version of notes relevant to the animal you keep. This should contain the genetics of your animal, Dates of mating and how long left with the male, dates of shedding, how long any sign of illness has shown for.
If signs are mild then it’s normally down to correcting the husbandry or double checking everything and consulting a herpetologist.
There are 4 main treatments used to try and solve the Dystocia.
Physical manipulation
Hormonal Stimulation
Removal of egg contents ( Ovocentesis)
Physical Manipulation
Very experienced herpetologists or reptilian vets may try to gently apply pressure to produce the egg after lubricating the Cloaca
This must be done with extreme care since it could cause rupture of the reproductive tract, a prolapse and possibly death.
Injections of Oxotocin or Arginine Vastotocin can cause contractions of the reproductive tract and the passing of the egg.
Oxotocin is the hormone produced by mammals; Arginine Vastotocin is the reptile equivalent however it is expensive and unstable.
Calcium may be given by injection prior to the hormones.
Neither injection of Oxotocin or Arginine should be used if there is an obstruction as it could cause a rupture in the reproductive tract, bleeding and possibly death. To be the most effective solution an injection should be used within 48 hours of Dystocia. However this method is not commonly used.
This is primarily a snake and turtle method and not used in lizards.
It consists of a needle being passed through the skin and into the egg removing the contents to make the egg smaller and easier to pass.
With a lizard if there are many eggs from either being a larger reptile or a couple of eggs being a smaller reptile but there was no intention of breeding the reproductive tract can be removed along with the eggs. This prevents the problem from happening; it is also a faster method and has less recovery time then the others.
Even though they can still gain eggs after this it is best to avoid breeding to avoid any other problems.
Proper husbandry and nutrition are key
ONLY breed the animal with the best conditions, size and the correct age