Most reptiles grow continuously throughout life however the skin does not grow to accommodate their change in size therefore Leopard geckos shed quite regularly sometimes a couple times a month, sometimes once a month sometimes more if they are younger. The majority of the time there shouldn’t be an issue with the shedding if you provide the required items (for a leopard gecko that would be its moist hide) however this is not to say that a moist hide will stop problems from arising. At the end of every shed you need to check the body over the worst affected areas of stuck shed are the following; toe's, tail, head (eyes nose).
There is no need to interfere whilst they are shedding it can take anywhere between an hour to 2 hours before they are done do not feel the need to pull the skin off them when they are shedding. Pulling the skin of to early can cause the skin to become red and irritated, If your gecko has issues with peeling shed away add a large rock or something with a rough edge so they can scratch up against it.
Shedding issues can sometimes be indicated by your reptile by soaking themselves in their water bowls or excessive time spent in moist hides.
There are items available that can help remove the skin if needed. But shed aid is the most popular and tends to work.
Shed Aid is sold by many reptile shops online and local stores, it is used to remove the dry skin from your reptile that it is struggling to peel, leaving the skin moist and pliable. It is easily applied as a handy spray onto your reptile's skin avoid direct spray to the face. Always read the instructions on the bottle.